Sunday, November 25, 2012

Button Sandwich

Button Sandwiches
Button Sandwich
Setting: at home, in a playroom or in a classroom

Different colored felt pieces with button holes.

1.  Cut button holes in the felt pieces. Next tie a knot at the end of the ribbon and attach the button on the opposite end.
2. Taking the different colored felt pieces button them together creating a sandwich.
3. Allow them to build the sandwich on their own and discuss what they like and what they don't like in sandwiches. If desired you can tell them what to make for a sandwich to incorporate following directions and sequencing.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to measure fine motor control through practicing buttoning on something other than a shirt. I know at young ages children especially do not care to wear clothes in general so this is a more imaginative and fun activity for them. This activity can strengthen hand muscles that are needed in writing and dressing ADL's. Dexterity is also used in this exercise by using both hands, one to hold and grasp the object and the other to weave the button into the desired felt piece  Hand eye coordination is needed in order to see the button and properly use hands to achieve the sandwich task. Finally completion of a task is emphasized in finishing the sandwich product.

Cooley, Tonya. (February 28, 2011). Practice Buttoning with a Felt Sandwich.  Therapy Fun Zone. Retrieved from:

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