Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gross Motor Cube

Gross Motor Cube
Gross Motor Cube
Setting: outside, large area such as a cleared out classroom or living room

White Card Stock

1.Cut out 6 squares of white card stock (about 6”x6”)
2.Write the activities on each square using markers; examples used are jump 5 times, 5 jumping jacks, flap your arms like a bird, hop on one foot, dance, run from the front door to the back door, or spin around in a circle, ect
3. Tape the Squares together using clear tape
4. Before taping the last square crinkle up newspaper to give more weight to the cube.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity was to encourage gross motor activity in both upper and lower extremities. This was to increase or maintain energy exertion of tasks and also range of motion of all extremities. Incorporation of self-weight activities such as push-ups also exercise strength of the extremities. Range of motion is also exercised in the wrist in rolling the dice. Identification with the written cues and ability to follow directions are demonstrated in this activity. If the individual was to help in making the cube process crippling of the newspaper could strengthen hand muscles and use of scissors demonstrate fine motor activity needed in school specifically for ADL’s and writing. 

Hands on: as we Grow. (April 7, 2011). Physical Activity Cube.

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