Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sensory Bags

Sensory Bags
Sensory Bags
Setting: kitchen, dining room, or classroom

Zip Lock Baggies
Food Coloring
Baking Soda
Shaving Cream
Bubble bath
Hair Gel
1 Cup Water
Wooden Spoon
Small Toys (letters, figurines, ect.)

   1.Open 6 zip-lock baggies.
   2.Boil water in the pan and remove from heat.
   3.Stir in Jello mixture with wooden spoon until dissolved.
   4.Combine ingredients together as desired. (Example: take shaving cream and put it in a baggie and put some small toys, glitter, & food coloring in the baggie for extra fun.)
  5.Continue making baggies to include one main rice bag, bean bag, flour bag, baking soda bag, shaving cream, bubble bath bag, and hair gel bag.
  6.Encourage a find and seek of figurines and touch of the different bags.

Purpose: Sensory bags demonstrate healthy sensory play and exposure to different textures. By having the person explain what they see can or feel it helps their cognitive and language development. Decision-making skills are also emphasized in this project that they will need throughout life.  It also expands the person’s sense of touch. If the person was allowed to help in the making of the sensory bags, motor skills could also be demonstrated while pouring and stirring in the Jello mix. 

Laguna Parent Participation Preschool (November 2011). Sensory Bags. [Blog post].

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