Saturday, November 24, 2012

Color Numbers

Color Numbers
Good for number recognition
Setting: classroom, dining room, or den.

Color Stickers

 First take a piece of paper and write random numbers in different areas throughout the paper.
 At the bottom create a guide with a visual aid of what sticker color goes where according to the number.
 Have the individual place color stickers next to the numbers they identify with.

Purpose: This exercise demonstrates sequencing by having the individual follow the pattern of what numbers associate with what colors. It also exercised following directions that are needed for work and school. Even though they were not verbal, they were shown through the use of the legend at the bottom of the number page and not verbal cues the individual still needed to understand identification of the number itself o know what color went with what number. Knowledge of numbers for a younger individual can help with simple math skills in school.
Fine motor control was also used to peel the stickers and place beside the number.
Across the body motions were also used or could be by placing familiar numbers to the individual on the opposite side of the paper than their dominant hand. Uses of unfamiliar numbers are encouraged in order to expand exposure.

Rockabye Butterfly. (March 3, 2012). Following a Legend. Following Instructions. [Blog post].

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