Sunday, November 25, 2012

One Arm Hair Dryer

Tri-pod Hair Dryer
Tripod Hairdryer
Setting: at home in a bathroom or bedroom

Bungee Rope
Electricity access

1. Securely wrap the hairdryer around the tripod using bungee rope.
2. Plug in hair dryer and use when needed.

Purpose: The purpose of this adaptive equipment is to increase the independence of performing ADL's  in individuals. For some personal identity and self esteem is associated with personal appearance and by framework of taking care of oneself or hygiene. For the individual to perform these task if they have weak range of motion in the upper extremity or low strength in their grasp, wrist, hands, or arm muscles they would not be able to blow dry their hair. This can also be used for amputees that only have one arm to work with.

Hair Dryer and Stand. [Image]. (2012).  Retrieved from

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