Sunday, November 25, 2012

iPad Chopsticks

iPad Chopsticks
ipad chopsticks
Setting: at home with an iPad

Folded piece of paper
Two Stylus'
Rubber Band

1. Fold the piece of paper
2. Take two stylus' and put the piece of paper in the middle of them and wrap the rubber band around the same area.
3. There you have your iPad chopsticks! Allow the individual to play games using the iPad chopsticks.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to increase fine motor control by having the individual play or draw using chop sticks. Fine motor control is needed in independence in ADL's such as in dressing activities or tying of shoes. Fine motor also allows for literacy and written communication to make handwriting legible for school and work purposes. Regulation is also required in order to not press too hard but to press hard enough down on the chop sticks to the screen so it allows the iPad to sense the stylus'. Hand eye coordination could be used in this exercise if the game was that of fruit ninja which needs the hand to quickly respond to the visual cues.

Cooley, Tonya. (September 3, 2012). iPad Chopsticks. Therapy Fun Zone.

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