Setting: at home or in an art room
Eye Dropper
Ice Tray
Food Coloring
1. Take water and pour it into the ice tray.
2. Take food coloring and have individual use the eye dropper to extract the desired color and drop 2 drops of the color into the water in the ice tray.
3. Freeze water until turned into ice.
4. Use colored ice and have individual paint pictures with the colored ice.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity was to demonstrate fine motor control and regulation in how many drops to put into the ice and in pouring the water into the ice trays. If regulation was not enforced than the person would have an overflowing ice tray and it would weaken the food coloring to produce a vibrant color. This also demonstrates the person's ability to follow directions and use vestibular input in order to complete the task. Fine motor control is demonstrated by both the eye dropper of food coloring but also of using the ice as a crayon. Grasp is also used since ice cubes are larger than an average crayon. Gross motor control is used when pouring the water. Sensory play is incorporated with touching the ice and in coloring.
Dermody, J. (January 26, 2012). Ice Cube Painting.
[Blog post].
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