Saturday, November 24, 2012

Glow in the Dark Bubbles!

Glow Stick Bubbles
Cut Glow Sticks and Put them in Bubbles!
Setting: outside

Non-Toxic Glow Sticks or Highlighters
Clear Plastic Cups
Bubble Liquid
Bubble Blowing Wands
Paper towels (for clean up)

1. Add bubble liquid to clear plastic cups.
2. Take glow sticks or highlighters and cut with scissors and let them soak in the bubble liquid.
3. Remove outside contents (outside of the glowstick or the highlighter pen) from the liquid.
2. Mix together with bubble blowing wands.
4. Go outside and blow florescent bubbles!

Purpose: This activity work on oral stimulation through blowing bubbles. It also works on the individual’s senses by viewing the bubbles at a florescent color spectrum and expanding their visual exposure. Touching the bubbles could also lead to another touch sensory experience. Holding the bubble wand and twisting it through the bubbles could also help pinch grips that expand fine motor skills needed in writing and scissor activities used in school.

Trend Hunter (December 31, 2010). Night Vision Bubble-Blowing.  Retrieved from:!/photos/75986/1

Glow in the Dark Bubbles. (May 2012). [Image]. Retrieved from:

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