Saturday, November 24, 2012


Setting: outside on a sidewalk


 Have the individual draw a hopscotch board that alternates between using one leg and both feet and numbering the squares in order.
 Have them throw a rock to land on a square.
 Have the individual hop on the square and either skip over the square that the rock falls on or have them pick up the rock while standing on one leg and then finish hopping.

Purpose: In order to improve balance and stability by use of one leg. Use of both legs demonstrates dexterity and to alternate what leg is being hopped on one at a time. (not always using the dominant leg to hop on one legged.) Gross motor control is demonstrated in order to improve lower extremity range of motion while hopping whether it is on two legs or on one. Wrist range of motion and strength is needed in order to toss the rock and fine motor skills are used along with grasp in order to hold the chalk and draw the hopscotch board. Sequencing is needed in order to number the squares correctly. 

Play Ground Review. (April 13, 2008). Hopscotch. [Image] Retrieved from:

Goode, Jen. (2012). Play hopscotch inside or outside.  [Video & Blog post].

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