Saturday, November 24, 2012

Toothbrush Play

Toothbrush Play
tooth brush play
Setting: at home or at school on a desk or floor

Tooth Brush
Water Paint
Plastic Egg Cartons

 Cut the plastic egg cartons with scissors into half sections; these are the teeth of the exercise. Add water paint onto them to signify germs and plaque.
 Mix soap and water so it is bubbly.
 Set toothbrushes out and have them scrub away at the plaque on the teeth using a toothbrush and the soap and water mix.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise was to teach the children about hygiene which is needed for ADL’s and IADL’s through following verbal directions. Taking care of oneself is a major part of living and can increase self-esteem. This also emphasizes the use of grasp, gross, and fine motor skills in order to brush off the plaque on the teeth. Fine motor skills are needed in order to dress him or herself and to be able to write which is useful for school and work settings. Use of the soapy water and colored water paint is to incorporate sensory play into the mix.

Stewart, D. (February 28, 2012). Toothbrush water play in preschool.

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