Saturday, November 24, 2012

Indoor Surfing

Indoor Surfing
Indoor Surfing
Setting: In a large area such as a gym or large living room

Two Pool Noodles
Small Exercise Mat

 Take two pool noodles and put them on the ground about a foot apart.
 Next put the mat on top of the two pool noodles
 With assistance have the child step onto the mat and slowly move the mat so it feels like they are skateboarding or surfing while on the side of them to assure stability.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to build cores strength and balance while stabilizing oneself on the mat while it is on the pool noodles and during movement. 

Starfish Therapies (August 28, 2012). Fun way to work on balance reactions. Developmental Milestones. [Blog post].  Retrieved from:

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