Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head
Following picture directions
Setting: anywhere in home, school or daycare

Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head
Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head accessories
Pictures of building a Potato Head in steps

 Put all potato head bodies in one bin, accessories in another bin.
 Glue pictures of piecing together a Mr. Potato Head on a larger piece of paper in order.
 Have the individual create the Mr. Potato Head in the picture by using problem solving to identify the accessory and piece it together.

Purpose: This activity works on sequencing and completion of a small task. By incorporating numbers to identity steps it also is introducing numbers that are needed for school tasks. Placing the small accessories into the holes to create the Mr. Potato Head in the picture uses fine motor skills. Grasp are also used in this activity by holding the big potato body. It also works on following directions, which are needed for school or work settings only through visual aids versus verbal cues that we most often get from teachers or bosses. Identification of objects and sorting is used to find the individual pieces that are shown in the pictures when all the accessories are combined together in bins. 

The Princess and the Tot. (July 11, 2011). Mr. Potato Head Building.  What's on the tray? [Blog post].  
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