Setting: outside by the pool or inside in a playroom
Pool Noodles
Golf Tees
1. Cut pool noodles with knife into smaller pieces.
2. Take two golf tees and stick them in the bottom of the pool noodle.
3. Next take two more golf tees and put them in the sides as arms.
4. Take another two golf tees and stick them in the center of the pool noodle as eyes.
5. Finally take another two golf tees and stick them in the top of the pool noodle as antennas.
Purpose: I thought this would be a great activity especially for kids with the popularity of the movie "Despicable Me". Fine motor control is demonstrated in this activity by using the golf tees and making them peg into the pool noodle. This is a fun way for kids to work on pinch grips to place the pegs in the noodle that will be helpful in handwriting. I would leave the knife work to a parent unless the adult is an older individual and needs to work on wrist range of motion and strength. In that case there would be a need for ADL and IADL completion and this activity would help them. The instructions stated above are for a standard alien. Emotional expression and creativity could be demonstrated by allowing the individual to create their own alien if they desired to do so.
Time for Play. (April 2, 2012). Pool Noodles and
Golf Tees. [Blog post].
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