Friday, November 23, 2012

Jello Leggos

Jello Leggos
Leggos made out of Jello!
Setting: playroom, classroom, or daycare

Duplo Leggos (The big leggos)
Jello (as much as desired)
1 Cup of Water
Wooden Spoon

11.Boil water in the pan and remove from heat.
22.Stir in Jello mixture with wooden spoon until dissolved.
44.Refridgerate until hardened
55.Remove from the Duplo Leggos and ready for play!

Purpose:  Jello leggos are safer than small leggos due to the fact it is edible. Problem solving in putting pieces together and also using different scents of jello plays more on the olfactory sensory piece other than just touch and colors. The individual also works on grasp to try and hold the jello. 

Active Kids. (2012). Lego Jello Jigglers.
Food & Cooking-Cooking with Kids. [Blog post].

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