Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weighted Pencils

Weighted Pencils
Weighted Pencils
Setting: classroom or at home

2 Elastic Bands
Hex Nuts

 Wrap the rubber band around the pencil to ensure that the hex nuts will not fall off the opposite end of the pencil.
 Place hex nuts on the pencil until desired weight is reached.
 Wrap another rubber band on the opposite side of the pencil at the end of the hex nuts.
 Either using the pencil for free form doodling or for doing homework.

Purpose: This activity is useful for "individuals who don’t press hard enough when writing or for people who need to increase awareness of their hand" (SOURCE). The weights emphasize strengthening hand muscles are needed in order to complete ADL’s that are needed in order to dress one self and in handwriting. It also would improve the individual’s handwriting legibility and improvement in their tripod pinch needed to hold a pencil. 

Brayton, Abby. (January 23, 2013). Making and Using Weighted Pencils. Pedia Staff.

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