Sunday, November 25, 2012

Clothespin Catapult

Clothespin Catapult
Clothespin Catapult
Setting: at school or at home

Spring-Style Clothes Pin
Popsicle Stick
Plastic Soda Bottle Cap
Small Piece of Wood (if accessible)

1.Glue the clothespin to the block of wood or put the clothespin upright on the end of a table or desk.
2. Glue the popsicle stick about midway down on the clothespin.
3.Glue the plastic bottle cap near the end of the popsicle stick with the hollow side upright.
4.Place a pom-pom in the cap and push down on the end of the popsicle stick.
5. And then let go!

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a fun way to encourage strengthening of hand muscles and fine motor control. Fine motor is demonstrated when using one finger to bend the catapult backwards to get ready for take off. It is also used in order to pick up the pom pom and place it within the bottle cap. Regulation is necessary for this type of activity because there needs to be a knowledge of your own hand and strength needed to push the pom pom to different distances. Regulation can be further encouraged by creating a tower at the end of the table to attempt to knock it down, this would also emphasize hand eye coordination.

Almost Unschoolers. (July 15, 2010). Clothespin Torsion Catapult for Kids.[Blog post].

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