Saturday, November 24, 2012


Inflatable Twister
Setting: outside or the board game version can be done in a large area such as a living room

Twister Board Game (if indoors)
Twister Blow up Bounce Board
Air Blower
Board Game Spinner

 Spin the spinner to see what body part is going to be placed on what color.
 This repeats for everyone playing and keeps going until both upper extremity and lower extremity is on colors while balancing.
 The game keeps going on until someone cannot make the spinner request and they fall.
 Last person standing is the winner.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to expand the individual’s range of motion by having to twist and turn around one another. It is also a color and verbal recognition of the directions that are given by the spinner. This activity also demonstrates the individual’s ability to follow simple directions that are needed in school and work situations. Use of an inflatable twister really exercises the use of balance that the individual would need in order to stay steady while others were moving around along with themselves.

Cheng, Z., Gao, R., Mok, A., & Pillai, K. (2010). Twisting Algebra: About Twister.

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