Setting: tennis
court outside
Tennis Ball
Tennis Racquets
1.Take turns hitting the ball back and
forth to one another without stopping.
2. Try to work on the less dominant hand by working on a backhand in tennis
2. Try to work on the less dominant hand by working on a backhand in tennis
Purpose: The
purpose of this exercise is to improve the midline crossing of the individual.
Regular tennis uses dexterity in order to hit the ball from either side of the
body that the ball is hit. If they are a beginner even crossing the midline
with just their dominant hand would be an accomplishment. Hand eye coordination
is used in order to hit the ball back and location of ones body is necessary to
understanding where they are in terms of where the ball is or about where the
ball is going to hit. Range of motion of both the upper and lower extremity is
exercised in going all around the court along with social interaction with
another person. Strength is also needed and exercised of the upper extremity in
order to hit the ball back over across the net to the other person.
Tennis Balls [Image]. Retrieved from:
Therapy Street
for Kids. (2012). Crossing the Midline.
Retrieved from:
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