Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sorting Change

Sorting Change
Sorting change works on sequencing and fine motor skills
Setting: classroom or anywhere at home


 First separate bins and with paper and markers identify what coins are to be placed in that specific bin (with a picture if able)
 Next put a bunch of change together and mix all different denominations.
 Have the individual sort the change.
 If desired the person can then identify how much money total was in the bin by using simple math skills.

Purpose: This activity can strengthen IADL’s such as money management by using simple math skills. It can also work on sequencing by identification of the coins and problem solving as to which bin the coin belongs. Fine motor skills are used when picking out the desired coin from the mixture of coins and placing it where it belongs. Simple math skills and identification of money can help younger individuals in math classes and problem solving that they will need in school. 

Ellis. (2009). Coin Sorting. Growing in Pre-K- Math Center.

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