Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cutting Playdoh

Cutting Play-doh
Cutting practice
Setting: at home, in a daycare, or in a classroom setting

Plastic Knife
Play Doh

1. Have them role the play doh to be a thin snake.
2. Have them grasp the play doh and work on cutting or scissor skills by cutting the play-doh into smaller pieces.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is useful in exercising fine motor control and scissor control. Manipulation of play-doh also works on strengthening the individual's hand muscles to perform activities that they will need in order to perform ADL's such as dressing themselves. For younger individuals the use of scissors and control is important along with the use of a knife to cut food into smaller bites and practice regulation. By using a plastic knife it increases the individual's safety along with using kid-friendly scissors. Fine motor control is also needed in tying shoes along with handwriting tasks.

Katie’s Nesting Spot (March 4, 2009). Developing Fine Motor Skills. Cutting Play-Doh.[Blog post]. Retrieved from:

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