Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hot Potato Side Pass

Hot Potato Pass
crossing the midline ball game or could use Hot Potato game
Setting: outside or large area such as a living room


   1. Have individuals sit back to back from one another, one starting out with the ball
   2.Play music and have the two individuals pass the ball back and forth by turning side to side.
   3. Stop the music randomly and that person still holding the ball when the music stops is considered the hot potato of the round.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen core muscles by moving them back and forth and improving range of motion of the trunk and arms. Grasp is needed to maintain the ball while in motion and in order to receive the ball from the other person. Socialization is emphasized in this activity in order to work well with the other person in the activity. This can also be done as a group activity where instead of just two people, have a line of individuals in a row and have them move the ball to the side of them and pass the ball down the line and back up the line. Balance is needed to move from side to side while in the seated position and in transitioning weight from side to side. Midline crossing is a huge task in the activity because the individual is forced to cross midline in order to keep passing the ball and not become the hot potato. 

Tracey OT Mom Learning Activities (2011). Kids’ Outdoor Activities for Crossing the Midline.

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