Ice Cream Play-Doh
classroom or table at home
1-Hole Punch
Draw ice cream cones on a piece of paper
and put a number on the cone.
Have the individual take a one hole punch
and punch out play doh pieces and put them in a bowl.
Next bring out the ice cream pictures and
using a spoon have them spoon out how many jimmies (play-doh pieces) the ice
cream cone says to have. (Incorporating imagination of them working at an ice
cream shop is encouraged.)
Purpose: This activity works on sequencing if you
were to place the numbers in order of 1-10 and through number identification.
This will help them in counting and in simple math skills needed for IADL’s and
for school or work. Use of the one hole punch helps strengthen hand muscles and
use of fine motor skills that are needed in ADL’s to dress themselves and in
writing/scissor activities. Grasp is also involved with the use of the spoon
and also promotes regulation by attempting to only pick up the number of play
doh pieces on the cone versus pouring a whole bunch of play doh on the cone. Problem
solving is also used especially if imagination is involved because they are to
figure out what number is what and how many pieces of play doh should be on the
cone. Imaginative play helps individuals associate with roles and problem
solving of imaginative situations that will help them when real situations
Ellis. (2009).
Ice Cream Numbers. Growing in Pre-K- Math Center.
Retrieved from:
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