Saturday, November 24, 2012

Guess Who with Familiar Faces

Guess Who with Familiar Faces
Guess who with friends and family.
Setting: at a table either indoors or outdoors.

Guess Who Board Game
Index Cards
Pictures of the Family
Double Sided Tape

 Cut pictures out of individual family member pictures and take double sided tape to tape the back of the picture to the board game slots.
 Use a marker and make your own cards that say the family members name who is the “guess who” person.
 Each person picks a card and continue to go back and forth asking each other questions in hopes to identify the unknown person before the other person guesses the card you had picked for them.

Purpose: This activity encourages critical thinking and problem solving through verbal and visual cues of pictures and descriptions to eliminate and identify the person chosen. If this activity is incorporated with use of hand weights it could encourage not only problem solving but also strength of the upper extremity and increase in range of motion of the wrist, hand, and arm. This activity is good for people who had a stroke or are suffering from early signs of dementia to keep them critically thinking and problem solving and exercising their current ability. 

Madsen, Becki. (April 8, 2010). Fun Game Ideas: Guess Who. [Blog post].

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